Thursday, October 9, 2008


Hey, my name is naomi. 19 going on 40, and im kinda crazy. my life is a fast paced world yet i never seem to get anything done. i have a fun personality, id say. i laugh, crack jokes, im sarcastic as hell, good friend, hard worker, great girlfriend... in other words im perfect. right. im neurotic, silly, and an excellent procrastinator. me in a nutshell.

i dont know why i started this blog, but i figured since i like writing, like sharing my opinions, and am much smarter and wordly than most i should take the time to share my knowledge with the world. and what a f**ked up world it is. but ill leave that for the next blog.

okay. so what to write? well its october, so in a college students life that means MIDTERMS. forgive me for actually saying that horrific word but yes MIDTERMS are right around the damn corner. Tests, papers, studying, teaching yourself what you should have learned in class but slept through on top of work, friends, family, and life. any tips on managing said schedule should be left and would be greatly appreciated.

also i need some tips on what to blog about. this is probably going to end up as my online journal... random quotes, poems, jokes etc. those who know me should leave a comment.

Quote of the Day: Impotency Card

"To succeed with the opposite sex, tell her you're impotent. She can't wait to disprove it."

Cary Grant


Most Australian teenagers don’t practice safe sex. Some of the commonly reported reasons for not using a condom include knowing their partner’s sexual history (35.2%), trust in their partner (33.3%) and having unplanned sex (33.1%). Over 18% of young people don’t use condoms because either they don’t like them (30.5% of males, 16.5% of females) or their partner doesn’t like them (24.6% of males, 15.3% of females).